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UPDATED TO 3.0 Darkrunner is one of the best classes for high burst damage and great mobility. It is easy to play and can be equipped and customized in various ways. For example, you can use light or heavy armor, and it can wield almost any weapon without losing its power.
  • Recently, the official team announced to add a Grand Exchange in OSRS W45 Deadman Mode. After the update, the Permanent Deadman World 345 will come back with tier 5 emblems, broken item system, looting bag. W45 Deadman Mode Grand Exchange The Permanent Deadman World 345 will have its own Grand Exchange. After a short live testing, during which the world will become inaccessible, you will see a series of changes in the W45.
    Emblems in W45 Deadman Mode
    All NPCs above 100 combat will have a chance to drop tier 5 emblems after the test.And the drop rate of Tier 1 emblems on wilderness slayer tasks will be improved by large to match that of Seasonal/Tournament worlds. W45 Deadman Mode has Broken items system The Permanent Deadman World 345 will have a broken item system after the update. Item with a ‘broken’ version will be broken on death, but you can speak...
  • Lifeblood is a new game to Steam. It is a fantasy platform where you can find many of the things that vanilla World of Warcraft had that made it so great, but it uses it in entirely different ways. Currently, Lifeblood only has a Battle Royale mode, but the developers plan on expanding away from the BR genre. Let me give you a rundown: Objective
    Behold the arena, a forested area filled with natural resources and a mysterious type of crystal called Etherium. Team up with your allies and build a ruthless team worthy of the Gods’ graces. Destroy all other enemy teams to stop the fatal shroud encroaching on the land. Resources
    There are several items available in the battle arena that are stored in the player’s inventory (B), including Etherium, Wood, Metal, Leather, and Cloth. These resources are used to craft and upgrade armor and weapons. They are harvested from...
  • Hey there,
    I've been maining Vayne for a while now, and even though i've been playing LoL less often recently, one of my recent games with her made me ask myself something.. [b]Has she been nerfed ?[/b] Her tumble's damage doesn't do much anymore, her silver bolts are effectively still doing their work, but her overall early damage ? She's never been like that before. I can still count on my E + Flash combo that can make you 1v1 mostly any other champion in early state of my games, but otherwise, if i'm getting matched against a Draven, a Kalista or even a Miss Fortune, i'm quite sure to see the beautiful Defeat red screen in 20 minutes. Not to talk about the Caitlyn + Janna combo.. I hate this.
    So, has she been nerfed or i'm just being a newbish Vayne player that can't play safely enough ? (which might...
  • I have seen a video on Facebook about a rework of this hero and I just think it isn't really good if he would be paired with Kunkka. The video has clips of some gameplay and it stated that Nature's Prophet's Ult won't have a cooldown, I'm not really sure if you need to max it first before the cooldown becomes zero. As I have said, paired with Kunkka pushing towers and other structures won't be hard. It would just be X marks the spot + Nature's Prophet's ult and you can go and backdoor the enemy structures. What do you think?
  • For those of you who don't know, Heroes of the Storm is Blizzard's entry to the MOBA genre popularized by Defense of the Ancients and League of Legends. The 2.0 release of the game happened a few weeks ago, and apparently fixed a lot of issues that saw the game panned by the MOBA community. Now, I personally have always [i]hated[/i] MOBAs - there was a whole RPG layer of knowing which upgrades to get with the time limit of a competitive game, there are always dozens of heroes to learn, and there's usually an all-too-strict 'meta' to adhere to. Heroes of the Storm alleviates this to a good degree - everyone shares levels, you only need to make choices around every 3 levels from a pool of 3 or 4 'talents', and it's rarely a bad idea to stay in the lane and do the game's objective. Speaking of,...