Do you like video games that have something for everyone and for every mood? That's one of the things I always liked about World of Warcraft. You could PvP like crazy or do dungeons or raids or just go farm for some mindless entertainment. You could explore, play the Auction House, or duel in Goldshire. Depending on your mood, or the amount of time you had available, or your sense of competitiveness, or whatever... you could find something to do.
Do you only play PvP games or do you like a bit of everything?
Wed, 05/03/2017 - 12:56
World of Warcraft
In addition, i think that very few games have good pve system, so my previous statement is also based on this factor.
This is a remarkably narrow-minded attitude. There are loads of co-op games that allow you to hop in, mess around with your friends, and feel some sort of accomplishment from taking on AI challenges together. Online play lets you experience the whole range of human interaction, not just the competitive end, and this seems dismissive of that.
On the original topic, I like a bit of everything in general, but specific games need to be built to do what I feel like at the time. Shoehorning competitive (or non-competitive content) into a game not built for it often isn't fun. Look at Warframe's unbalanced PvP that languishes without updates.
Yeah, there are some people who just don't like scripted content. I knew several PvP guys that wouldn't touch any other content when I played WoW all the time. Personally, I like to play a little bit of everything.
I have to agree here. While I enjoy the variety, I think Blizz eventually went too far in trying to make a game for everyone.
WoW PvP isn't exactly known for balance (or even regular updates) either. It frequently feels like an afterthought.
You aren't quite sure what another player might do (although really, there are only so many things they can do, so once you know all classes/specs inside out, there isn't as much surprise). Of course, they can use their abilities in a different order than you might generally expect, but certain abilities are best for certain situations. You can learn to predict what a player will do pretty well too over time, and how to counteract it. Still, you have to be fast.
I was really into the PvE stuff at first. I loved playing tank, so I liked doing lots of dungeons and raids.
Once I started getting bored with that, I really got into PvP. I loved everything about it. It was exciting. I've played every role in PvP. I think I like healing best though. Wrecking people is a lot of fun, but a good healer can basically be the deciding factor in a lot of games. That's pretty dang exciting.