Sat, 04/08/2017 - 19:47
Has anyone played this champ? Any builds you might like to suggest? I just bought this champ recently and I have been having a lot of fun using this champ. I can say it's the first time I have used a champ and did a pentakill playing with humans and not bots LOL!
Nice building tactic, thanks for that. Well I would say if I would be laning against a good Lux or Fizz player, I might not know what to do LOL! These champs are what I'm afraid of whenever I play. Zed and talon would be just as long as they don't play a lot like Faker LOL!
The only advantage lux has is her E which can zone you from farming but it's easier to dodge if you keep moving and stay mostly behind minions, as for Fizz i love playing against him as Ahri, in the early levels i abuse him with my q and auto attacks whenever he tries to CS, and your ulti will give you in advantage when you're both level 6.
I just played earlier on mid lane against Fizz and the player was damn good, instead of me punishing him it went the other way around. I felt like I was the reason we lost the game since Fizz had quite a bit of kills early in the game. Maybe I really need a bit more practice with Ahri. Thanks for the tip.